• Can I pay by PayPal?

    We accept payments via PayPal, credit/debit card, GPay, ApplePay, American Express.

  • Can I get a refund?

    You can find out more about our refund policy on our Terms and Conditions page.

  • What happens after I pay?

    An account is created with your email address and password. You can now access the members' area for your practice tests, questions, answers and solutions PDF.

  • How many times can I take the tests?

    You can take the tests as many times as you like. There is no limit. Your scores are saved in your account so you can view old tests you've taken. We recommend reviewing your incorrect answers after each test to learn the mistakes you've made. All questions come with explanations to the answers at the end of each test. Just scroll down on the 'Your Results' page at the end of each test.

  • Can I pay in another currency?

    Certainly. We accept payments in GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, CHF, INR, and HKD. To make a payment in one of these currencies, simply rewrite the 3-letter currency code in lowercase letters at the end of the URL for this page after '?group=' For example, ?group=eur would display prices in EUR.